Thursday, October 12, 2023

GLOGtober '23 - 4: Theory of P-ooze-tions

 GLOGtober '23 prompts can be found here.


Theory of pOozetions

Nicknamed p-ooze-tions by apprentices, this name for Distilled Jellies has unfortunately entered the vernacular. What distinguishes a potion or oil from a distilled jelly are a number of things, namely the use of those creatures commonly categories as Slimes or Oozes in the brewing process. While in a potion ingredients are mixed by hand or with the help of alchemical equipment, distilled jellies use a preexisting natural framework to blend the desired effect, namely the biology of Oozes.

To understand this process we must understand the biology of Oozes. While the common variety of ooze is a simple minded creature focused on survival, one must ensure they work with a proper ooze and not one of the new synthetic spawns. Most oozes, deriving from a prime ooze, slowly consume and grow in size until they split into two or more new oozes, repeating the process. Notes indicate that the form and nature of these creatures can vary over time, leading to new “bloodlines” of these creatures.

It should be noted however that under recent studies published in Kirinth this last century, reliable methods for mixing of oozes has become possible. By slowly blending two oozes together under the right conditions a new hybrid ooze can be created. While the research indicates strong future growth in the field of múxasology, it also has allowed for the spawning of the field of Distilled Jellies.

Via the works of Crivelli of Norn the creation of a neutral vessel ooze are possible, a nearly transparent creature of neutral gelatin. These oozes can be injected with other substances, slowly melding into the gelatin of the creature. If the substance is properly infusing with the ooze then the creature becomes of that material, and as it continues to grow its gelatin continues to produce the injected substance.

Applications of Crivelli’s neutral vessel ooze are vast, though as Crivelli herself claims, “Nothing will surpass the candy ooze, my eternal fountain of sweets”. Reports also indicate a popularity for honey oozes and wine oozes. So long as the ooze is fed, it will continue to produce endless sweet or intoxicating jelly, though for now the growth rate is below sustainable rates. This, combined with the difficulty in creating a neutral vessel ooze and highly volume of acidic byproducts, puts strong limits on the wide spread use of these creatures.

The true pinnacle of this process is however obviously the potion ooze. By injecting a neutral vessel ooze with the indicated potion and several other alchemical blends, the ooze gelatin can take on the properties of the potion. We have finally arrived at the foundations of Distilled Jellies.

While having an ooze that can hypothetically process raw biological matter into healing gelatin is a wonderful prospect, it merely scratches the surface of Distilled Jellies. By carefully blending small portions of oozes in controlled alchemical environments it is possible to create hybrid potions in ways that sidestep several challenges in traditional alchemy when combining potions. Whole new branches of potions and oils are being discovered under the umbrella of Distilled Jellies.

Some alchemists working in this field have even started infusing the oozes themselves with the ingredients for their potions, blending together to make the ooze potions via alchemy rather than injection, claiming it leads to far more potent results.

A small note has been appended by a second author:

With everything Distilled Jellies grants the alchemist, you should still be careful when exposed to this untested science. In case you are not an alchemist, you should be warned about the dangers of mixing potions together. While the processes used often limits or prevents these dangers, they are not impossible. Several people have reportedly melted when drinking from an ill prepared batch. Remember, these are still oozes you are consuming, which is usually safe in small proportions. As well, the oozes used in the process are still oozes, not merely some alchemical concoction. One ooze being used to create greater protection potions broke free and was a nightmare to harm due to the nature of its alchemical enhancement.

1d10 alchemical oozes:

  1. Candy ooze: Crivelli’s creation, usually appearing as an ooze made of pastel colors, often with a sweet flavor. Lemon based candies usually work best for this process.

  2. Mind Probe Ooze: Only one of these has been found, and appears to be a combination of thought detection and minor illusionary magic. The disturbing little creature will pick up on the surface thoughts of those near it, projecting them via illusions for others to see. No one has claimed ownership of the experiment, though it has already caught the attention of The Magisterium and The Watchers of Dawn.

  3. Sunlit Ooze: Injecting enough liquid sunlight into an ooze and you get the perfect creature for destroying vampires. Unfortunately it is also so bright that anyone that looks at these creatures are blinded. Originally they were slaked for destruction before some blind monks took them in.

  4. Vacuum Ooze: It’s believed this creature came about by combining a multitude of teleportation and extra dimensional effects within a single ooze. What instead occurred was a small localized planar collapse, a void that continually pulls in matter around it. By the time it was caught and destroyed the creature had learned to open and close this “mouth”, devouring those around it.

  5. Mimic ooze: Believed to be the combination of a potion of charm and a potion of disguise self, this ooze has been observed luring in prey with the charm while posing as a person or object. Some theorize this sort of ooze might be the origins of mimics, though likely using a potion of shape changing.

  6. Combustion ooze: Someone was clearly trying to make some sort of bomb ooze and we ended up with this monster. A combination of alchemist’s fire and fire resistance elixir, alongside a fireball leads to this jelly which is constantly exploding. Thankfully all escaped specimens have been caught, but it’s dreaded what might occur if a wild population were to set itself up.

  7. Saint Ooze: Nicknamed Saint Oozes, these creatures are imbued with as much restorative and healing magic as is safely possible. How exactly they’re made and kept stable is unknown, but current theories involve holy water and angel’s blood. Several churches have decried the use of holy magic within an ooze.

  8. Sail Ooze: These slimes were made by mixing a potion of levitation and gust of wind, likely in an attempt to jury rig a flying potion. Unfortunately the oozes quickly learned how to use their new movement and escaped. These Sail Oozes as they’ve been called spread themselves thin like a sheet to catch the wind. They’re quick to spread and are now a fact of life in Kirinth unless some major extermination effort is put in place. They certainly seem to be helping with the pigeon problem at least.

  9. Regenerative Ooze: With the potential medical applications of Distilled Jellies being so obvious, some have tried creating regenerative oozes to restore limbs and missing body parts. By concentrating multiple regenerative potions together, this oozes restores missing body mass at an incredible rate. These two parts quickly form independent oozes. Not only does this make it impossible to gather small enough samples for medical application, but given the right circumstances could have an explosion in population.

  10. Power Word Ooze: These oozes kept being reported around Kirinth, and analysis indicates they’re a vessel for Power Word Kill. Thankfully none of them can talk – yet.


1 comment:

  1. I like this a lot - ton's of potential here both as things found in dungeons of old high magic empires to strange stuff escaped from wizards labs...


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