Saturday, October 5, 2024

Glogtober '24 - 2 : The Eclectic Wizard (A-Z)

 Glogtober '24 prompt: "GLOG-class formatted as an acrostic using the English alphabet." Maybe not quite a true acrostic, but close enough.

The Eclectic Mage

A: Hoarder, Interested in Arcane
B: Just in Case
C: Know Arcane
D: Legally a Wizard

Eclectic Mage

For skills, roll on the following: (1) Librarian (2) Dish Washer (3) Capital Investments (4) Botany
Gear: Notebook, pen, 16 various coins, pocket knife, unique bag or backpack

You always know how to find valuables and stockpile them for another day. You can carry 50% more gear as long as it is stashed in great sacks and weird pouches.

Interested in Arcane: You’ve always wanted to learn magic, but never got beyond that self help start book. Because you love the topic so much, you always recognize magical items and energies. Once per day when you see a spell cast or read it from a book, you’re sure you can duplicate it. You get 1 MD to do so, yet a roll of a 1 triggers the Doom of that spell caster – but only for 24 hours. You’re not a full wizard – yet.

Just in Case: You can now save spells you would duplicate via Interested in Arcane, by placing the spell inside one of your unique knickknacks. Describe the object and how the spell affects it. You can have a number of such knickknacks equal to your level in this class – they are still cast with 1 MD, with the same rule for dooms.

Know Arcane: You’ve finally learned to cast a selection of minor spells, grafted together from your self study notes on magic. Randomly select 3 spells from the list below, you know them. When you gain another template in this class learn the other three. You get 2 MD for casting these spells, and have no mishaps or dooms. Due to your limited abilities you cannot learn spells from scrolls or books.

Legally a wizard: You’ve done it, you’ve gotten the paperwork filed and everything. You can call yourself a wizard now, and get +1 MD. Your knowledge is finally enough to learn other wizard spells, beyond the list below. Once you learn a real wizard spell you count as that type of wizard for mishaps and dooms.

Minor Laser:
No amount of sunscreen can protect from this death ray. The disco light laser, the rave ender, for [sum] rounds you cast bright random lights from your fingers. Each round you can point at a creature within 20’ and deal [dice] damage to them.

Open Sesame:
Proclaim your arcane might to the door before you! If it is in good spirits or feels like humoring you, it will open.

Request an answer from a tart in the form of a question, they must answer but are not compelled to answer truthfully.

Suck Force:
Tug on your tongue, then inhale to create a big vacuum force 10’ x [dice] long. Anything weighing less than [sum] x 5 lbs is pulled towards you, perhaps too quickly.

Under where?
Vapidly talk and make really bad jokes. As long as you (the player) can do so, creatures than can hear you of up to [dice] hit dice must save or listen, trapped by social convention.

Write Message:
Xerox up to the last [sum] minutes of speech onto a piece of parchment or paper you are touching. You can’t omit anything or edit the writing. Can even catch things you didn’t hear.

Yellow Caution Tape:
Zone a space with a perimeter of [sum] x 10’, with yellow caution tape appearing to surround the area. Surely everyone will have the common sense to avoid an area blocked off with caution tape.

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Glogtober '24 - 2 : The Eclectic Wizard (A-Z)

 Glogtober '24 prompt: "GLOG-class formatted as an acrostic using the English alphabet." Maybe not quite a true acrostic, but...