Saturday, October 5, 2024

Glogtober '24 - 2 : The Eclectic Wizard (A-Z)

 Glogtober '24 prompt: "GLOG-class formatted as an acrostic using the English alphabet." Maybe not quite a true acrostic, but close enough.

The Eclectic Mage

A: Hoarder, Interested in Arcane
B: Just in Case
C: Know Arcane
D: Legally a Wizard

Eclectic Mage

For skills, roll on the following: (1) Librarian (2) Dish Washer (3) Capital Investments (4) Botany
Gear: Notebook, pen, 16 various coins, pocket knife, unique bag or backpack

You always know how to find valuables and stockpile them for another day. You can carry 50% more gear as long as it is stashed in great sacks and weird pouches.

Interested in Arcane: You’ve always wanted to learn magic, but never got beyond that self help start book. Because you love the topic so much, you always recognize magical items and energies. Once per day when you see a spell cast or read it from a book, you’re sure you can duplicate it. You get 1 MD to do so, yet a roll of a 1 triggers the Doom of that spell caster – but only for 24 hours. You’re not a full wizard – yet.

Just in Case: You can now save spells you would duplicate via Interested in Arcane, by placing the spell inside one of your unique knickknacks. Describe the object and how the spell affects it. You can have a number of such knickknacks equal to your level in this class – they are still cast with 1 MD, with the same rule for dooms.

Know Arcane: You’ve finally learned to cast a selection of minor spells, grafted together from your self study notes on magic. Randomly select 3 spells from the list below, you know them. When you gain another template in this class learn the other three. You get 2 MD for casting these spells, and have no mishaps or dooms. Due to your limited abilities you cannot learn spells from scrolls or books.

Legally a wizard: You’ve done it, you’ve gotten the paperwork filed and everything. You can call yourself a wizard now, and get +1 MD. Your knowledge is finally enough to learn other wizard spells, beyond the list below. Once you learn a real wizard spell you count as that type of wizard for mishaps and dooms.

Minor Laser:
No amount of sunscreen can protect from this death ray. The disco light laser, the rave ender, for [sum] rounds you cast bright random lights from your fingers. Each round you can point at a creature within 20’ and deal [dice] damage to them.

Open Sesame:
Proclaim your arcane might to the door before you! If it is in good spirits or feels like humoring you, it will open.

Request an answer from a tart in the form of a question, they must answer but are not compelled to answer truthfully.

Suck Force:
Tug on your tongue, then inhale to create a big vacuum force 10’ x [dice] long. Anything weighing less than [sum] x 5 lbs is pulled towards you, perhaps too quickly.

Under where?
Vapidly talk and make really bad jokes. As long as you (the player) can do so, creatures than can hear you of up to [dice] hit dice must save or listen, trapped by social convention.

Write Message:
Xerox up to the last [sum] minutes of speech onto a piece of parchment or paper you are touching. You can’t omit anything or edit the writing. Can even catch things you didn’t hear.

Yellow Caution Tape:
Zone a space with a perimeter of [sum] x 10’, with yellow caution tape appearing to surround the area. Surely everyone will have the common sense to avoid an area blocked off with caution tape.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Glogtober '24 - 1: The Currents Between

Glogtober '24 begins, and I'd like to thank Glass Candles for inviting me to write a set of prompts this year! To begin: 'A connection between disparate worlds'



My father always told me of the lands beyond the black horizon, a world of flame so bright it would burn away the vision of a lowlander such as ourselves. The way he put it, the journey was so simple. Just take out any old dingy and a paddle, and head down stream.

Now I know the truth, how naive, how lucky he must have been to pass along the deep waters unscathed, unchanged. The other worlds are not so far away, but the danger to the rider can be treacherous. As a ferryman I know the bends and forks and tributaries like the veins on the back of my hand, and in time you will too if you choose to pick up the oar.

The lands of death have no true geography to them, despite what the royal cartographers and imperial surveyors might have you believe. No, here we can pass along the very fabric the world is sewn onto, following disparate threads across the tapestry. Find the right river here beneath Hanodri, and you may be carried along to distant world of consuming verdant vines or searing metallic heat.

For centuries I am told that scholars have debated the number of rivers, but anyone bearing proper wisdom knows there are but seven currents that sweep across these shadowed lands. You may be familiar with them, but know that where their waves and tides concentrate, so do their curses. Recognize these portents, and you may sail with ease to the shores of other worlds.


The first river, the River of Iron, is known for the dull sheen to it, with many particles swirling about. The waters here are strong but always straightforward. To fall in is to slowly have one’s flesh solidify into metal, and many who pass along this way regularly bear a touch of the Iron God.

The second river, the River of Loss, is often described as having unparalleled depths, a dark void that one simply wants to lean down and peer into until they can make out the bottom. Exposure to the water fogs the mind, and beware for I have seen many a case of total amnesia.

The third and fourth rivers are often mistaken for one another but are simply the Twin Rivers. They flow sluggishly, but when they meet one another or The River of Growth they form dangerous and violent rapids. Some ferrymen tell tales that the two twins were once great companions, but after one betrayed the other they cannot forgive each other and clash despite forgetting which one was the thief. While there is little danger from exposure to the water beneath you, drinking even filtered water brings about a terrible sickness.

The fifth river, the River of Veils, ripples and shifts, catching the light in odd reflections with waves appearing and vanishing as if you were mad. Sailing the waters require a great vigilance, lest you be consumed, your soul cleaved from your body into a wraith current.

The sixth river, the River of Growth, loves to change courses and you will never sail the same route twice. Move carefully for often victims of this river lie below the surface and threaten to damage the hull. Those that fall in have their forms quickly sprout and grow like great trees of bone and flesh. Some say that careful application of the waters can regrow limbs and wash away scars but I have never seen such miracles myself.

The final river, the River of Death, is a cruel but fair tide. Black as midnight, all know what dire portents it bears forth. Do not sail this current unless you are ready to meet a Death that day.


Know these rivers and you too will sail to see the other worlds. I know two such places well, and make my coin ferrying others who can pay the price. It is not easy work, but I prefer it to toil under the golden gauntlets of empires.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Dark Bearer


A rival class to the Lightbringer, the Dark Bearer brings shade and gloom wherever they go. While likely a more potent class, the Dark Bearer really needs darkness or shadow to work, which might not gel well with the rest of the party.

It is said that somewhere in the city is a house, The House as most people call it, though those with a long memory remember The Gloaming House of Wounds. It is within these halls those that seek to master the darkness come begging to be taken as an apprentice, though only the most determined are allowed through the door. No one comes out, though your friend says his cousin’s sister once saw through a window – apparently she saw two priests in black plucking out the eyes of a young man. They say for the right price they’ll snuff out anyone, often taking payments in rare texts and art. Take the first steps through the front door, into the dark...


Starting Items: Blind fold, Dark clothes, x2 dagger, Candler Douter

Skills: Disguises, Shadow Puppetry

A: Dark Watcher, Light Douser

B: Night Caller, Confounding Dark

C: Nocturn Loci, Shadow Invocations

D: One with The Abyss

+1 Stealth per template in this class. This is a [Dark] Class.

Dark Watcher: You have become familiar with the shadows in which you live, allowing you to see fully if there is any amount of light. With training learned from The House you have mastered the art of hiding in darkness. So long as you don’t move or bring attention to yourself you can become completely invisible while standing in shadows. Should these shadows be burned away by light you are thrust back into visibility.

Light Douser: Your masters at The House loath light and have taught you their ways of banishing such wretched illumination. By snapping your fingers you can extinguish [Dark template] lights you can see. By power of their enchantment magical lights get a save to avoid this fate, and may even return given time. As a beginner you can only extinguish candles and torches. With two [Dark templates] you can extinguish campfires, and with four [Dark templates] you extinguish burning buildings.

Night Caller: On your path into night you can learned to call forth the inky darkness. With a whisper pure shadow envelopes a space you can see, spreading to envelop a space up to [Dark templates] meters in radius. Calling this darkness can be done a number of times per day equal to your [Dark templates] or by allowing the shadow into your flesh, a process which deals 1d3 damage.

Confounding Dark: As you step into shadow you can learned that truth is a concept best left behind. So long as the blinding truth of illumination is not cast upon you, you can take the appearance of anyone roughly your shape. Your understanding of deception extends such that as long as you are in the shadowy depths you can change your voice to any other.

Nocturn Loci: Only those devoted to gloom are invited to the inner chambers of The House, where greater understanding is met. In doing so you have learned the Nocturn Loci, allowing for perfect senses of everything within 6 meters of you while in total darkness. Anything you could normally percieve is revealed to you, you have stepped beyond the limits of eyes. Masters of the Nocturn Loci can feel the sharpness of a blade without touching it, taste the bitterness of a tea without drinking it.

Shadow Invocations: The darkness is alive, and may answer you call. The abyss always demands a price, to unmake what was made. You gain the ability to use Shadow invocations, as described below. Each shadow invocation has a cost associated with it that must be paid. Shadow invocations cannot be cast while in total illumination. Whenever you cast a shadow invocation roll Xd6 and take damage equal to the largest d6 rolled this way, where X is the number of shadow invocations previously cast this day.

One with The Abyss: What lies for us in darkness cannot be known, it is a great concealing veil. You have incorporated this un-truth into your soul, knowing nothing is certain in gloom. While in darkness you enter a superposition where you are anywhere and everywhere connected to that darkness. Each turn you can pick a space to occupy, so long as you could reach that space without entering light. Anything that targets you while in this state has a +1 in 6 chance of missing.


The Dark Plunge: Render at a page of writing unreadable per HD of the target. Touch the target, who can save to resist. Those who fail are embraced, having their mind untether from their body for [Dark Template] rounds. In this time they are simply a mind cast into the dark, unable to feel or control their body.

Abyssal Reach: Shatter a knife which you have killed at least one sentient creature with. At your call your shadow stretches along surfaces, sprouting [Dark template] great tendrils that can attempt to wrap around targets with a Strength of 14. Those constricted feel the frigid touch of darkness, taking 1d6+[Dark Templates] damage per round they remain constricted. Should these tendrils prove lethal, the corpse quickly withers and mummifies as if left in a cold desert for a century. These tendrils remain for 10 minutes.

Empty The Vessel: This ritual requires the practitioner to fill a vase with the ashes of the dead, mix in the blood of their target and shatter the vase. As the vase shatters the practitioner picks a period of up to [Dark template] hours for the target to forget, the memories stolen away by the burned dead. Aware targets can save against this effect, and may notice a gap in their memory. With guidance from the target, very specific memories can be erased. This ritual is a favorite among the priests of The House to erase that which would hold back initiates.

Dark Reflection: Burn the hair of your target, then cast the visage of the target upon a reflective surface and shatter the image. A copy of the target emerges, made of pure shadow, with 1 HP and x2 speed. This reflection is utterly loyal to you, but carries out your orders with a vengeance towards the living. Such a copy is unable to speak and makes no sound, lasting until brightly illuminated or until the ritual is used again. Those who dare strike against The House often have to face their own shades.

Ancient Constant: All creatures fear the dark, and with this invocation that realization can be given truth. This ability only requires the death of a creature at least the size of a rat, and the invoker must stand in darkness while seeing their target. The target saves, on a success they take a -2 penalty to morale for one hour. On a failure they see their darkest fear emerge from the gloom and they flee in an utter panic for 1d6 rounds.

Shadow Steps: Render a wheel, boat, foot or other means of transport useless. For the next hour so long as you are not in direct illumination you can fly, as can anyone grasping you. Often considered a wasted art by The House, this ability does function in broader cases such as under a full moon unlike One with The Abyss.

Δ Void Soul – Inscribe your true name in darkness. Should anyone learn your true name lose this template and a level.

You no longer truly exist, you are simply an echo left behind. Divination cannot find you as your name has been erased from the ledger, and other spells against you have a 2 in 6 chance to fail. In time you will fade into utter peace, but for now you must suffer the echoes of your actions.


Δ Umberstar Create a Dark Star

By taking the shards of a star and letting them betray their own nature you have a Dark Star, a void that gives of gloom instead of light. Within this light your Shadow Invocations can’t damage you. You now have the attention of The Light and The Dark.


Δ Dark Lord – Cast a civilization into darkness

All golden ages have their times, and you are their end. A lord of the dark, you are eternally cloaked in the gloom of the end and can never be illuminated. You are the endless depth that smothers all light, and you can use Light Douser on any light source regardless of size, but you take damage equal to the HD of the light.

The sun has 100 HD.

Δ Twilight Soul – Have at least one [Light] template and one [Dark] template. Receive the blessing of the heretical Cinder King.

You have come to understand that light and darkness are not that different, for while fire brings glaring light in time all it meets are rendered into dust and darkness. You are declared as a heretic by The Lantern Guild, a traitor by The House and have drawn the ire of The Light and The Dark.

You can use any Darkbearer abilities regardless of illumination, and need not give off illumination if you choose not too. Dark and Light abilities can’t track you, and you have a +4 to saves against their abilities.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Reflections on Saint Marsenen


Reflections on Saint Mersenen

By Bishop Iotha of Tawn

“When a raindrop falls the world is brought into sudden realization, a horizon crystallizing into reality. Regardless of where the drop strikes the inexorable downward pull calls it into streaming motion. Joining with others rivulets, collective drops now form a single thread as they race to their destination. For some this journey may be down a rock to a forest puddle, while many will join greater and greater threads until the individual is a mote in the roaring river. Though these paths may vary, eventually all drops will reach their sea.

Our Lady calls each of us down from the skies above, her heart yearning to love each of us. She is the river which bears us, and the calm seas to embrace us. Each drop has a destiny, a moment upon which the inevitable rest greets them. We only know the valley unto which we are called, though even the whole shape of just the valley can never be grasped.

Fear must not consume the heart, trust in our Lady for the journey she has set you upon. Take comfort that in the end we will all know Her and greet Her, and She will deliver us unto the quiet halls and eternal rewards.”

Excerpt from The Frost Sermons, Saint Mersenen

Saint Mersenen the confessor humbles each of us on our path through the world, reminding us of the journey we must each undertake upon the river that our Monarch has placed us upon. It is he who places us each upon our course, and through the love of the Mother Current we are born aloft her back. Mersenen reminds us that the gods are with us always, for The Seer looks ahead to guide us on our course, while Our Lady awaits us with open arms upon our arrival at her sea to return us to the arms of her family.

The saint is perhaps most well known through her oratory work, The Frost Sermons, though her life is well documented within the Green Song [1]. For many her role and teachings are heard through Miserations, which relegate her role to a simple attendant to the passing Echalia. How little we see the depths of her acceptance and absolute forgiveness, the charity of her love even to the one who executed the Winter Sister.

It is said that Saint Mersenen spent seven years with the dwindling Echalia, giving her comfort and council as the goddess passed beyond the veil. The Winter Sister held dearly to life as all living things do, grieving for her sister and followers that she would leave behind. Mersenen councils acceptance of this loss; that of material will not pass into spirit.

“Frost was born unto this world as a tear, shimmering and singing ice that bore a requiem of preservation. Would the world stop for her a moment she would hold eternity in her grasp and within it all she held dear. Yet her companion Mersenen spoke, reminding her that even the blooming rose shall wither, even the finest sculpture is worn down and chip.”

Frost Sermons 3:21

Saint Mersenen reminds us that a fear of death is a natural reaction, to stare into the absolute fact of our oblivion unscathed is beyond all but the most strongly willed. Yet our time on this river is but a brief moment of our eternity, for it is behind this final curtain that our true existence awaits us in the arms of our just fate. Nothing that passes beyond is out of reach forever, for even in death our love is not diminished and in time we will too shall pass to see them once more, born aloft by the currents of love by those we leave behind.

[1] For those studying St Mersenen the holy text of Arthea give the most detailed accounting of this period, particularly the works of Hernen The Lesser.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Lightkeeper


About halfway through writing the Master of Ropes I wondered what else I could apply a similar class concept to and immediately thought of torches, so to continue the work of gearomancy I present the Lightkeeper:


Starting Gear: Lantern, 3 pints of oil, 3 torches, 10 candles.

Skills: Lantern, torch and candle making.

A: Enkindler, Guild Crafter

B: Lantern Lore

C: Torchbearer

D: Illuminator, Torch Soul

Enkindler: Light sources you carry burn for twice as long. By snapping you can create a small spark of flame. You can brighten and dim light sources you carry, making them up to twice as bright or dimmed to the point the light goes out.

Guild Crafts: By joining the Lantern Guild they have taught you unique ways to craft light sources. You can apply these any time you make torches, lanterns or other light sources. Using such techniques takes any listed requirements, access to alchemist ingredients and 1 gp per batch you make (1 lantern, 6 torches, 18 candles) on top of any normal material costs.

Lantern Lore: As a trained member of the Lantern Guild you have come to understand the secrets to creating lantern masterpieces, each with unique abilities and gifts.

Torchbearer: As long as you are holding a light source it cannot go out by mundane means, including running out of fuel or naturally sputtering out. Allies get +1 to morale checks while within your light.

Illuminator: As light brings illumination, your light brings truth. You can burn a whole torch or pint of oil worth of fuel in an instant, creating a blinding flash of light. All illusions, shapeshifters and other magical deceptions within 30 ft of you must save or have their nature revealed.

Torch Soul: Pulse with the inner heat of the flame, you always count as a lit torch. Only magic can extinguish you, dealing 1d6 damage. With a minute of rubbing your hands together you reignite.

Guild Crafts Modifiers:

  • Masterwork: When you craft light sources you can take the time to prepare them as the masters of old. These light sources will burn for twice as long thanks to your expert work.

  • Marine: Water is often an enemy to the flame, but to the Lantern Guild this means nothing. Using a pound of salt you can infuse a light to burn with a blue white flame, allowing it to burn in water as well as air.

  • Bloody: These light sources can burn using the life force rather than oil or another source. Each hour they burn the light source deals 1d3 damage to the bearer. If unattended they go out at the end of the hour.

  • Trick: Many of the guild’s light sources are sold for their unique properties. With your education you can change the color of the light, add sparking effects or other minor tricks. A popular modification is the candle clock, which sparks each hour. Trick candles and other knickknacks are also possible.

  • Smoking: The smoke essence contained within all things can be cultivated and brought forth. When such a light source burns it produces a thick smoke that can fill a room in half a minute. Such a smoke causes coughing and cannot be seen through. These sources of light and smoke burn particularly quickly and are consumed in a minute.

  • Miner’s: Tired of dealing with silly things like sconces, these light sources are coated with a special adhesive, allowing them to be stuck to surfaces by simple contact. A single strong tug is enough to remove them, and they fall off when extinguished. Despite the puzzling of many scholars no one is sure why this adhesive only works for light sources.

Lantern Lores:

  • Heartfire Torch: As fire illuminates it can show the secret fires of the heart. The wood must be infused by whispering a secret to it that has never been told, though it can be done by anyone. While this torch burns small strands are visible through the smoke to the bearer, giving them a general insight on how two creatures feel about each other. The strands that would connect the bearer to anyone else are never visible.

  • Wistful Lantern: This lantern always looks back, never focusing on the present. Craft it with components at least a century old, often requiring the melting down of historical artifacts. While burning this lantern spectral images of what happened 10 minutes ago in this location become visible. For each extra pint of oil sacrificed to the flame you can push this vision back 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, 1 decade, 1 century, etc.

  • Shadow’s Candle: The wick of this candle must contain a strand of hair stolen from someone sleeping. As long as you hold this candle and it burns you cannot be perceived by others, nor will they wake from slumber. This enchantment breaks if you cause major disturbances or harm.

  • Hand of Glory: The grim work of this candle requires the left hand of a person who died by hanging. By using the fat of this deceased evildoer to make a candle and place it in the hand the hand of glory is complete. When lit anyone present save the wielder must save or be paralyzed until the candle departs, save ends.

  • Soul Lantern: Requiring rare Stygian iron this lantern is infused with the magic of the lands beyond the river. While this lantern burns its ghostly light renders the dead visible. If a creature dies and soul is not claimed you can transfer their soul into the lantern for as long as the fire within burns. Such a soul can faintly be seen within the pale flickering flames and you can hold conversation with them.

  • The Kindling: Many Lightkeepers consider this torch an overstep beyond their role as warden of illumination, yet this lore is still passed down generation after generation. Crafting this torch requires burning something of value to you. While this torch burns all burning objects visible burn down twice as fast, but also twice as bright.

In addition to these lores, there is the magnum opus of being named a Sunbringer, a crown all Lightkeepers seek. There is also the lesser known role of Starsinger, nearly forgotten in this age.


 Capture a shard of the sun and house it in a lantern.

Ascended to the role of Sunbringer, you have risen beyond your peers. This lantern will never dim, another battle won in the war against darkness. All darkness, magical or otherwise, is banished within this light. Your sun lantern can flare to a blinding light for as long as you wish and for your glory you can never be blinded. You have taken the first step on the path to Sunforger, the attention of both the Light and Dark will is now upon you.


Sing the light of a star into a glass phial.

You know a song to capture the eternal light of the evenstar in a crystal phial. While the light may dim it will never truly be gone, just as the hope of mortals. Anyone who can see the silver light gains +1 to morale and saves against fear. Many immortals crave to bask in the light of the evenstar so closely and treat you with respect beyond your mortal peers. Finally you may hold the phial aloft and in a cry of glory expend the light in a silvery burst – all allies within the light are rallied as the darkness is banished from their heart and unholy creatures are filled with dread for your power.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The Master of Ropes

This little class came about randomly from a side world building project I’m working on, based around the idea of using knots for magic. As a player who often loves gearomancy making a whole class around a single piece of equipment sounded like a fun challenge. Thus I present to you the master of ropes:

The Master of Ropes

Starting Gear: Two knives, Rope reel, As many inventory slots of rope, cord, and/or fiber as you want.

Skills: Rope making. (1) Sailing, (2) Knitting, (3) Weaving, (4) Mountaineering

A: Rope Friend, Knot Whisperer

B: Rope Lores, Iron Serpent

C: Eye of The Knot

D: Silver Cord

Rope Friend: By concentrating you can control a number of ropes equal to the number of templates in this class you have. These ropes can move as fast a walking person and can maneuver and coil like a serpent, allowing for actions that don’t require dexterity (pull a lever, hold a torch, but not write a letter or dice onions). You can also talk to ropes, threads, string, etc as long as they aren’t made into something like cloth.

Knot Whisperer: The knowledge of knots has soaked deeply into your hands and soul. Nothing is more steadfast than your knots, which can only come undone by other creatures. Ropes you grasp dance to this knot song, and with seven heartbeats will tie or untie themselves in any configuration.

Rope Lores: As an initiate of the Cord Schools, you have been taught to fashion sacred cords. By fashioning each rope as detailed below you gain access to their magics.

Iron Serpent: Ropes have such faith in your command that as long as they are anchored or grasped they can perform impossible feats, such as rising straight into the air like a pole or hovering parallel above the floor. While grasping a rope you can imbue it with your strength, making it as hard and rigid as iron.

Eye of The Knot: Within the knot space and time are twisted, pulled tighter between the coils. When you pull a knot closed around a creature or object you can begin the sacred knot chant for thirty seconds. Upon completion they are sealed into this interdimensional knot space until the knot is undone. You can have a number of such sealing knots active at any time equal to twice the number of templates in this class. Creatures get a save to avoid being pulled into the seal.

Silver Cord: You now understand that the sacred connection between the body and soul is held together by a brilliant silver cord. By loosening this cord your soul can journey beyond while you sleep or meditate, allowing you to explore the great astral dimensions. With instruction you can teach others this ability, allowing them to come along with you on such adventure. Should the silver cord be cut (a very difficult task) your souls are cast adrift across the universe, likely forever lost.

Rope Lore:

  1. The Loop of Truth: Over the course of a week you can speak truths into a rope, imbuing it with the virtue of honesty. One fiber of the rope must be a lions hair or saints hair. Anyone looped by this rope can only speak truths, and must save to avoid answering questions.

  2. The Endless Coil: By folding at least a kilometer of rope into a single coil or spool you can push the rope density beyond what space-time can handle, collapsing your creation into a rope singularity. This coil of rope is endless, more rope can always be fed out.

  3. The Golden Thread: By spinning thread with passion and love in your heart you can create a ball of golden thread in a week. By thinking of something you love you can toss the ball, which will roll and unwind to show you the path there. It’s also a ball of golden thread. Excessive creation of golden thread will often draw the attention of the fair folk, golden thread is kinda their thing.

  4. The Trick Rope: Your ropes can find a space between, in the cracks and left over spaces beyond reach. Such a rope must be stolen without being noticed, then unwound and rewound again. By holding onto your rope or climbing it you and others can enter this liminal space. The between spaces are usually abandoned and safe, a place to catch your breath. The trick rope must be kept dangling out into the real world, a tether between dimensions. Should it be cut or pulled away you and your companions will be cast adrift in the spaces between forever.

  5. The Noose: This rope is fashioned from a noose used to hang another. By placing the noose around your neck you are both living and dead, with one foot in the world of the living and other in the world of the dead. Phantoms and spirits are often intrigued by your curious state.

  6. The Innocent Rope: Taking a rope that children have played with for at least a week you can draw out the innocent and playful nature infused within the cords. As long as you are jumping rope with this particular length of rope other creatures cannot bring themselves to harm you, save for the mindless and most vile of creature.

The above rope lores are only the most common such tricks, it is like there are forgotten or hidden rope lores to discover. The following are two examples of such lores, presented in Delta Template formats:

The Linked Chain:

A heretical lore, you can forge a chain into a loop and invite the traitorous links into your heart.

 As long as this chain hangs around your neck all your rope magics apply to chains as well as metal ropes. The chains always seek bloodshed and can be commanded to whip around in a frenzy, dealing damage as a mace.


The Circle of Thread:

Splintering from the Rope Schools three decades ago, followers of The Thread can forge a golden needle, then embroidering the sacred runes into the back of your hand.

For as long as this rune remains intact all rope magic applies to cloth as well. As long as you are wearing clothes you handmade yourself your defense counts as Chain armor.

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Elemental Disciple


Elemental Priests have always been a favorite of mine in Dark Sun and while placing them onto the wizard chassis would be the simplest approach it didn’t quite sit right with me. With all the unique abilities they posses I decided instead to make their own class, with their own spells and magic dice. For now I simply present the base four elements, but have plans to move onto the para-elements as well.

The Elemental Disciple

Starting Gear: Basic weapon, leather armor, a wooden icon of your pact.

Skills: (1) Music, (2) Oral History, (3) Herbalism, (4) Medicine

+1 ED for each template you posses.

A: Elemental Invocations, Sense Element, Defy Defiler

B: Align to Element, +1 Invocation

C: Gate Element, +1 Invocation

D: Sanctify Shrine, Transcend Element +4 Invocation

Elemental Invocation: You use Elemental Dice (ED) to cast Elemental Invocations just like you can with Magic Dice (MD). When you gain Elemental dice you must swear yourself to one of the four elements (Air, Earth, Fire, Water).

You begin play with two elemental invocations from your elemental list by rolling a d6 twice. When you gain the second level in this template roll a d8 to choose your new invocation, and roll a d10 when you gain the third level in this template. Upon gaining the 4th template in this class choose 4 invocations and learn them.

Additional invocations can be learned from prayer scrolls by bringing them to an appropriate shrine and meditating upon them. This costs 25 cp in prayer materials and takes 1 hour, at which point you learn the invocation. You cannot learn invocations of other elements, but you can cast from their prayer scrolls. These scrolls come with one inherent ED and the scroll is consumed – you may add your own ED to the invocation but these ED only return to your pool on a 1-2.

After a night of good rest you can meditate to regain your Elemental Dice, but note Elemental Dice only recharge while you are in contact or adjacent to your chosen element. Earth disciples must be touching rock or soil (but not silt), Air disciples must be in at least a minor breeze, Fire disciples must bask in a fire at least the size of a torch, and Water disciples must be near a pool of water (at least 1 gallon of water poured out counts).


Sense Element: By closing your eyes and concentrating you can sense the presence of your element with 30 ft or so. This can sense your element through up to about a foot of solid non-living material.

  • Air Disciples detect air

  • Earth Disciples detect earth, soil and stone

  • Fire Disciples detect fire

  • Water Disciples detect water

If there is a mystical disturbance related to your element in the area you can sense that too.

Defy Defiler: When you are within the destructive life sapping radius of a defiler’s spell you hear the land shriek and groan in pain, and you can come to its aid. You volunteer your own life force in place of the land’s, taking [dice] damage and protecting the land from destruction.

Align to Element: Once per day you can ignore your element for one minute. For each ED rolled you may extend this ability to [sum] willing recipient.

  • Air Disciples ignore all winds, gales, storms and toxic gases

  • Earth Disciples may walk through earth and stone as if it were not there. If the duration ends while inside the stone, Save or die.

  • Fire Disciples are immune to fire and heat for this time, but not direct contact with magma.

  • Water Disciples can ignore water and breath underwater

Gate Element: Once per day you can summon forth your element directly from it’s elemental plane, calling about 1 cubic foot per Elemental Disciples template. By rolling an ED you can do this an additional time. A list of suggested effects are listed below, but more creative applications are obviously possible. Any foe that is not surprised may Save to halve the effects.

  • Air Disciples call forth a terrific wind that zips across the battlefield. This wind can be directed to strike a foe, potentially knocking them over. This can also negate toxic clouds, stop arrows, and more.

  • Earth Disciples can call stone in any basic shape near them, potentially dropping it on foes (1d8 damage), creating walls, or any other creative endeavor.

  • Fire Disciples can forth columns of flame that strike a foe for 2d6 fire damage. Nearby flammable material ignites.

  • Water Disciples can summon forth water, able to extinguish fires, relieve dehydration or douse individuals (but never doing damage)

Sanctify Shrine: An Elemental Disciples may now seek out a place of elemental importance and can sanctify it. Sanctifying a shrine requires clearing it of all mystical taint and 1000 cp in sacrifices.

While casting at a shrine add +1 ED to all invocations. While at your shrine by way of an hour long ritual you may transport yourself and up to 8 other creatures to the elemental plane of your element (or come back if on the other side)

Transcend Element: You can now use the Align Element ability for a number of hours equal to your level each day. If you would be struck by an attack that uses your element you can Save to instinctively activate this ability to ignore it.


Note: Invocations with an (R) next to them denote that the invocation can be found in Skerple’s wonderful GLOG: Many Rats on a Stick edition.

Air Disciples Invocations:

  1. Feather Fall (R)

  2. Wind Blade

  3. Dust Devil

  4. Wind Whispers

  5. Levitate (R)

  6. Control Air (R)

  7. Sturdy Circle in The Air (R)

  8. Call Lightning

  9. Call Elemental

  10. Commune

  11. Wind walk

  12. Cloudkill (R)

Earth Disciples Invocations:

  1. Dust Devil

  2. Hold Person (R)

  3. Spider Climb (R)

  4. Control Earth (R)

  5. Stoneskin (R)

  6. Encase

  7. Control Stone (R)

  8. Obedient Stone (R)

  9. Call Elemental

  10. Commune

  11. Serpents of The Earth (R)

  12. Earthquake

Fire Disciples Invocations:

  1. Light (R)

  2. Protection from Fire (R)

  3. Control Fire (R)

  4. Crush Flames (R)

  5. Vision Ignited

  6. Scorching Ray (R)

  7. Flame Cloak

  8. Ignite (R)

  9. Call Elemental

  10. Commune

  11. Walk The Cinder Path

  12. Fireball (R)

Water Disciples Invocations:

  1. Cure Wounds (R)

  2. Fog (R)

  3. Moon Lust (R)

  4. Clarity (R)

  5. Control Water

  6. Animate Potion (R)

  7. Speak with Water

  8. Bless Water

  9. Call Elemental

  10. Commune

  11. Desiccate (R)

  12. Resurrection (R)

Acid Rain

Sphere: Rain, Water

R: 100’, T: Point, D: [Sum] rounds

A cloud bursts into existence, raining down acid on all caught beneath. This storm is 30’ in radius and deals 2d4 damage each round. Once a foe has taken damage from this spell their defense is treated as 2 lower until repairs or healing are performed. If you wish you may create an eye of the storm at the center, 5’ in radius.


Bless Water

Sphere: Water

R: Touch, T: Pool of water, D: 1 hour

Bless water, from one to [sum] gallons. This is treated as holy water against undead and fire (and sun, magma, and silt) elementals. Alternatively [dice] weapons may be blessed with this water, granting them a +1 magical bonus until sunrise.

 By spending 2+ ED you can permanently bless water this way.



Sphere: All

R: 0’, T: Self, D: [Sum] Minutes

By meditating you may speak with the cosmic elemental spirits themselves, asking [Dice] questions of them. These spirits know a great many things and usually will answer honestly, but aren’t compelled to. If you cast this spell in a place of notable power to your element you gain an additional question.

Call Elemental

Sphere: All

R: 15’, D: Concentration

Summon forth an elemental to do your bidding. The creature has 2x[dice] HD, Defense as Chain, and an attack that deals 1d6* damage. Each elemental can use the Elemental Priest ability Gate Elemental once per day. The elemental is loyal to you and its elemental masters. At the end of the duration the elemental vanishes.

  • Air elementals can fly rapidly, fit through cracks and are immune to non-magical ranged attacks.

  • Earth elementals have defense as Plate and deal an additional 1d6 damage on attacks.

  • Fire elementals ignite their target, dealing 1d6 damage until they extinguish themselves.

  • Water elementals can swim, fit through cracks, and heal 1d6 damage per turn.

By investing 4 ED you can charge the summoned elemental to a long term task such as delivering a message or guarding a shrine. In a year and a day the elemental returns to its home if it has not completed its task.

Call Lightning

Sphere: Air, Rain

R: 120’, T: Self, D: [Sum] Minutes

You call forth a miniature cloud above you, allowing you to fire lightning bolts at targets in range. Each lightning bolt does [Dice]d6 damage and the target may save for half. Once you have fired [Dice]+1 lightning bolts the spell ends.


Sphere: Rain, Water

R: 60’ T: Water or Fog, D: 0

Instantly turn up to [sum] gallons of water into that many 30’ cubes of fog, or vice versa. When mist is turned into water you can choose where that water forms, such as in a vase. This process can turn all the water in a fresh corpse into a 30’ radius fog cloud, drying out and shriveling the corpse instantly.

Dew Touched

Sphere: Rain, Water

R: Touch, T: Up to [sum] creatures, D: [sum] hours

For the duration as long as the targets are in contact with fresh water (even a few drops on the skin) they are kept at a cool refreshing temperature. They take [dice] less damage from fire and lightning.

Dust Devil

Sphere: Air, Earth, Silt

R: 60’, T: Space of air, D: [dice]x10 minutes

A small patch of wind is animated to serve you. It has 1 HD but cannot attack directly. You can order it, directing it around or asking it to do things for you, but it has trouble interacting as it is a swirling dust devil (it can still move light objects around, perhaps even a shield with major concentration). It can swirl around foes, creating dust clouds to distract them.


Sphere: Earth

R: 1 mile, T: Earth, D: [dice] rounds

Shake the ground below, you level structures and ruin lives. This spell requires at least 3 [dice] invested to be cast. All creatures must test morale and take [dice] damage. Structures Save or crumble, with a modifier based on their sturdiness. Those within collapsing structures are usually buried, often dying while buried alive.


Sphere: Earth

R: Touch, T: Willing Creature or Object, D: [sum] hours

The touched creature or object must be standing on stone or earth when you cast this spell. The affected creature sinks into the earth into a tiny peaceful chamber for the duration, healing 1d4 HP per hour.

Feather Step

Sphere: Silt, Air

R: Touch, T: Creature or Object, D: [sum]x10 minutes

For the duration the creature or object becomes exceptionally light but can still walk. Doing so allows them to walk across pressure plates, flimsy bridges, even silt, without causing it to break. Due to their lack of weight their jump distance is doubled, but so is the distance they are pushed.

Flame Cloak

Sphere: Fire

R: Touch, T: Creature, D: [sum] Minutes

The creature is wreathed in flames, protecting them against the cold and reducing all incoming cold or fire damage by [dice]. Any creature that gets too close or tries to strike the creature with a melee attack takes 1d6+[dice] fire damage as the flaming cloak burns them.

Speak with Water

Sphere: Water

R: Touch, T: Water, D: [dice]x10 Minutes

You may speak with water and it can talk back, answering questions and holding conversation. Water is generally agreeable, but note the priorities of water are not that of humans, for great oasis might ponder slowly, while rushing rivers jump quickly from topic to topic. By using 3 or more [dice] you may ask the water to perform a minor favor for you.

Walk the Cinder Path

Sphere: Fire

R: [dice]x50 miles, T: Self and 1 + [dice] creatures, D: 0

You and any other creatures step into a fire at least the size of a camp fire, and emerge out of a similarly sized fire of your choosing within range. Alternatively you may specify a general area and come out of the nearest fire there, but there is usually a 2 in 6 chance that there is no available fire at the moment of casting if done this way.

Wind Blade:

Sphere: Air

R: 0, T: Self, D: [sum]x10 minutes

Summon a nearly invisible blade of pure wind in your hand, as a longsword. You are always proficient with this magical blade and for the duration you can always reform it in your hand. Dropping the wind blade causes it to evaporate. By slashing the air you can “throw” the blade, giving attacks the range of a sling.

Wind Walk

Sphere: Air

R: Touch, T: Self and 1 + [dice] creatures, D: [sum] hours

You and other creatures may race across the winds, moving quickly across the open earth. While doing so your movement is 4 times faster and you ignore effects of terrain, though great storms might slow you still. While safe, landing with any precision is difficult due to the speed, usually off by 1d6 meters.

Wind Whispers

Sphere: Air

R: 1 mile, T: Self, D: [dice]x10 minutes

Opening your ears you invite the wind to whisper to you what secrets it has heard. By focusing in a particular direction you can faintly hear conversations up to 1 mile away. Alternatively if looking for rumors this may grant you a [dice] in 6 chance to hear these rumors. These abilities don’t work through encased chambers.

Glogtober '24 - 2 : The Eclectic Wizard (A-Z)

 Glogtober '24 prompt: "GLOG-class formatted as an acrostic using the English alphabet." Maybe not quite a true acrostic, but...